I smash your fucking head in, until brains seep in... I'll see you die at my feet, eternally I smash your face

miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2007

Foetopsy - Bizzarre Gynecology - ©ö®Þ§ëG®ïnðë®

Banda Grind de EUA... Este disco te destrozara el culo...

1.I Knew it Had Something To do with Interest in Vaginas
2.Human Jelly
3.Umbilical Cord Bungee Bab
4.My Balls Replaced With Eyeballs
5.Sub-Valvular Aortic Stenosis of Infant
6.Slightly Damp Genitalia
7.Feeding on Dilapidated Stumps
8.Drown in Tepid Urea
9.Fluid of the Dead
10.Virulent Gestation
11.Spilling of Blood and Urine Into the Body Cavity

Descarga ©ö®Þ§ëG®ïnðë®

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